
Life is interesting.. but hard.
in every moment we need to make a choice.
We can choose friends
We can choose hobbies, schools…

But there are certain thing that we can not choose
parents, sibling and our self
At this point what we need is acceptance
accept our self, accept our sibbling and accept our parents

Through this difficulties we need something that always with us.. that what we call God
Parents can leave us, sibbling can leave us, friends and lover can leave us
but God… always there


Tulisan diatas bukan tulisan gue, tapi…terlalu sayang untuk dilewatkan begitu saja. Sebenarnya penulisnya ga anonim sih, tapi…atas permintaannya maka karya ini dituliskan anonim. Semoga berguna untuk menjadi bahan perenungan.

Penulis: Risna

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