Dari Dulu juga gitu

Sehubungan dengan posting gw tentang bagaimana menghilangkan bagian2 yang tak penting dari pernyataan dari dulu juga gitu, ada sebuah tulisan yang gw suka, tadi tanpa sengaja pas hapus2 bookmark gw nemu tulisannya, tulisan ini di dapat dari sini Judulnya : Saving Time by Asking Why.

Kadang2 dengan bertanya kenapa, kita bisa tau ada hal yang mungkin dari dulu juga begitu tapi sudah obsolete alias tidak berlaku lagi sekarang, tapi sering kali kita cuma nurut dengan apa yang dari dulu juga begitu itu.

ini gw copy artikel lengkapnya

Once upon a time, a child stood and watched her mother prepare the annual holiday ham. The mother carefully cut each end off the ham before placing it in the pan. The child asked, ‘Mother, why do you always cut the ends off the ham?’ The mother replied, ‘Well, that’s the way my mother always did it.’ So, the child called her grandmother and asked, ‘Grandma, why do you always cut the ends off the ham?’ The grandmother replied, ‘because that’s the way my mother always did it.’

Finally, the child called her great-grandmother and asked, ‘Great-Grandma, why did you always cut the ends off the ham? The great-grandmother thought for a moment and replied, ‘Because the ham is way too big to fit in my baking pan!!’

So, what’s the point of this little story?

Many people perform many tasks in their day. There’s a very good chance, though, that they’ve never asked themselves why they’re performing these tasks. Or if they’re really necessary. Or if there may be a way to perform them better or in less time.

Continuously reevaluate your time and how you’re using it, and chances are, you’ll be sure to find areas that could be streamlined or eliminated.

Penulis: Risna


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