All I Know – Ian White

Kali pertama aku denger lagu ini adalah tahun lalu waktu kebaktian di Gereja di Chiang Mai, gak lama setelah sampe kota ini. Kayanya lagunya pas banget waktu itu, baru pergi ke sebuah kota yang asing, dan cukup banyak hal yang dikhawatirkan (What lies across the waves may cause my heart to fear; will I survive the day, must I leave what’s known and dear?).

Tapi lagu ini menyadarkan bahwa kita perlu mengikut ke manapun Tuhan mengirim kita (And all I know is you have called me, and that I will follow is all I can say. I will go where you will send me; and your fire lights my way), dan segala kekhawatiran itu gak perlu.

Memang pasti akan ada badai dan halangan, tapi bukankah memang hidup kita dipersiapkan untuk hal seperti itu? (A ship that’s in the harbour is still and safe from harm; But it was not built to be there, it was made for wind and storm).

Though I feel afraid of territory unknown,
I know that I can say that I do not stand alone.
For Jesus you have promised you presence in my heart;
I cannot see the ending, but it’s here that I must start.

And all I know is you have called me,
and that I will follow is all I can say.
I will go where you will send me
and your fire lights my way.

What lies across the waves may cause my heart to fear;
will I survive the day, must I leave what’s known and dear?
A ship that’s in the harbour is still and safe from harm
But it was not built to be there,
it was made for wind and storm.

And all I know is you have called me,
and that I will follow is all I can say.
I will go where you will send me
and your fire lights my way.

Sayangnya lagu ini belum ada yang menyanyikan di Godtube ataupun Youtube. Buat yang pengen denger potongan lagunya, bisa download preview/sample beberapa puluh detik pertama (sampai bait pertama) di

Edit: sekarang sudah ada di Youtube:

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